I don't know if I am supposed to review a Beta. It's usually looked down upon in the industry but since I am not in the industry I feel like I must do everyone my fellow service of talking about this game. Dota 2 is run by Valve. Yeah the same type of company like Blizzard that survives off of hype and long, development cycles. Who knows when Dota 2 will actually be "out" even though it will be free2play like the beta. Like all free2play games there is a cash shop that unbalances the game. Who would spend money on a beta? I wouldn't even spend money on a game unless it's on a console.

Dota made the MOBA genre famous when it was released as an "add on" for Warcraft III. Now there is League of Legends and Demigod and so many other developers trying to get into this new cash crop. These games are fun. It's 5v5 team death match. Each side has a "town" that must be destroyed to win. You get to pick from way to many characters that are "different" and they level up to 25. Each character has 4 unique abilities that you level up while you level up. Different builds are important to know and if you are not an expert at a characters use, you will get called out and you will have a bad time.
Dying is basically calling yourself a noob and everyone on your team will definitely be thinking that. The player base in these games is that if you give someone something to complain about, they will use it all day to complain about because they didn't win a match. Because this game is all about winning (which game isn't) and being the best.
Since this game is completely online it has a few flaws. Here is my issues with the connections. It takes about 4 minutes to find a match. All ten people have to accept and after four minutes, the most patient person is still looking at their facebook account. Each time you want to play, expect waiting ten minutes to get into a match. But when you get there, the player has to connect as well and somehow through glitches and shitty computers, they could drop. Thus waiting another ten minutes. It's a really bad matchmaker. Also in a game, players decide to quit before the game starts. Someone might of picked there hero before them or they had to actually leave their chair to do something. It's a travesty because then the game doesn't even count. If one player, I.E. STRANGER, leaves then you don't get a win. Worst example of a democracy ever.
The games are fun if no one leaves and each side has equal skill levels. This happens about once every 5 hours of gameplay. So one out of five games. Usually people leave or just quit and begin to farm. If a character if farmed then not only do they not have any money to buy gear but the person that kept killing them has lots of money. Probably money the game had to give him because I didn't even have that money to begin with. There is no better feeling in the world then beating an elitist at their own game and this is it. If you can beat some "pro" at DOTA II, then you can go to sleep tonight. If you have ever listened to people screaming in your ear, wanting to be manager/supervisor, and telling you how to run your life (play the game) then BEAT THAT FUCKER.
Also finding your hero is excruciating. You could possibly play 90 matches (I know the amount of heroes is around here) and have to start over looking for your hero. Each hero is picky, has different ways to be played and different items to be purchased to enhance it. Getting over the learning curve in this game will take a long time. Ask questions even if you get called a noob. You are a noob for a reason so embrace it. I've been playing these since 06 and I still ask questions. Each game is different. Each hero is different. If you like randomosity then you'll love this.

Two more things that are on the fence. The user interface is ugly. I think you should be able to zoom out just a tad more. I can hardly ever get the screen in the right spot and a misclick could lead you to happy killing or enraged dying. Very touchy game but a lot of this game is luck. One player could win the game. Also you pretty much know what team is going to win in the first ten minutes of the match which sucks because then someone leaves or you think about leaving but rather waste twenty more minutes and not play another match. I get in and get out of this game. I never play two matches in a row. Just don't do that, you'll have a really bad time. It's not a gamble, it's an educational game on your aptitude. Matches can be from 25 minutes to over an hour.
675 blips out of 1000
-Love ruining elitist/nazi's days
-Lots of customization
-Great time killer.
-The original is back!
-User interface is too busy
-Too much luck
-We need to start making people pay us money if they are going to quit a game. Ruins the game for everyone even the winners.
-Other free MOBA games that work out some of these flaws much better then DOTA.
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