By Egan Click
Serving up some more loot gathering in this long awaited game.
All we heard about for years was Diablo. If you never played Diablo, everyone who ever seen it played told you how good it was. How great it was. The cow level. Fighting Diablo! was so epic. You heard about people selling items on ebay for money. The scams and hacks. The usual end of the game being a grind and the unnecessary wait for it. Blizzard makes you get hard (to each its own genderly) before they release the game. Diablo 3 hit a flaccid influence with constant delays. So they released it to fun.
Personally I was waiting at my laptop in my parent's basement waiting. I would of gotten it at gamestop to play it at midnight but no, I had to wait for Pacific Time. Okay two hours, it will only be 2 in the morning. Try to log on at 2. Problem, Error, thirty minutes later I'm just listening to Pandora constantly typing in my password. Hour into it I'm watching the comments fly in on disgruntled customers. I finally get a bite. Character Creation. One Whip Dr. (what I call my witch doctor) coming on up. Create please! The server lags. For about a minute. Character Creation screen again. Character failed to be made? One whip dr coming on up. AGAIN. Throws me out of that. Bad start but I waited. I was a junkie for Christ's sake.
Got in and played it for five hours until I beat the Skeleton King (where the beta ended.)

If you like a solid game play, you will find your self in awe. Now this game is addicting. Yeah there isn't a talent tree but the same elements apply. Each skill has runes to boost the ability or have some aura effect that heals you or increases your speed of attack. Their is about five abilities to pick from. two for the mouse and then the first four numbers. Six times Five equals thirty different moves. Then they have about 5-6 runes each. The number of unique play styles to your character is unimaginable. Later in the game, there is going to have to be some fine tuning on your character's "build."
Diablo is fun with a friend. I played with my roommate and it can really just suck your day up. You lose track of all time and start living on Diablo time which seconds are mobs, minutes are quests, and hours are acts. You want to plow through this game. Story? Oh yeah I'm helping people by killing the seven sins? Okay let me just kill Diablo and get this over with so I can get to the next difficulty.

Could never stop getting excited over loot. So tasty. Loot goblins running through legendary mobs. Get it for loot fest. Oh it's like a parade of swords, daggers and wands. And you need all of it. So you can have money to pay for everything. You saved a blacksmith by killing his wife? He will build these things for you with a giant mark up. Who in the right mind would gamble thousands of gold for a yellow random attribute shield? You lose all that material for the worst thing you have ever seen, casting it aside to just repetitively make shields to lose all your cash for mediocre shields. Option to custom item build would be amazing. But your money gets drained fast. I posted at least twenty items on the auction house and have never sold one. The economy is really wacked and saturated.
The always online really does suck and live up to it's hate. I got hacked. Just got my new computer (laptop broke and computer less for a week @_@) and then I get it all running, up way to late, and bam, my characters been hacked. I yell at the customer service rep about discrimination and me being pissed off so I get it all situated in about two days. Then there is the lag that lets the mobs kill you. Finally there is the spam, the over confident players telling you how to play, and the elitist saying that Diablo II was way better. No one cares and make me play in the silence of my own murdering.
But then the grind starts to kick in. I probably have over a hundred logged in hours. Man I was playing it with my roommate non stop. We work together so we had the same days off. But running two characters simultaneously was a risk. Playing the same story of a game is never fun. You learn all of the maps and the places you can't skip. The fights are harder which is a lot of fun trying to out maneuver the mobs. There is still fun but the length is dragging me down. Act II sucks. Act III is great. It then starts to feel like a chore. "Hey lets knock a few out in Diablo tonight." Playing other games, quicker games, pulls you out of the length of time you devoted to entertainment's nothingness. But I can always view my level 60 w/d and think, I can still fucking beat Inferno. Every hero needs to wait.

-Highly Addicting
-So many ways to play
-Loot will never be unappealing. Legendaries are twitter worthy
-Highly Addicting but easy to get off.
-Not enough end game except for entrepreneurs
-Bad start to game already waning.
Lets hear what you have to say? Agree Disagree? Put in your two cents in the designated spot. Thanks for reading.
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