Yeah you are just as clueless then I am. I even played the fucking tutorial and I still don't know what I am doing. So you start the game by picking out a significant moment in feudal Europe and you pick one of the kings. There are many kings to pick up from and every difficulty level is above the half way meter. I tried five different kings with varying difficulty levels and I found out the same thing each time. I know nothing about feudal Europe and how to run a country based on heritage. How the hell do you make money when you are just a figure head? How do you prevent wars that are fought over nothing but a fake plot?
You can pause time and try to set your self up for greatness but the rest of the world runs on probability. The farthest I got was living out one king and right when he died and his son took over, I went to war with three different kingdoms. I was pissed since I've been trying to live the pacifists life. WHICH DOESNOT WORK IN EUROPE.

You have to run the military, the church relations, the relations between all your mayors and council members. Also every relation with everyone surrounding you in a matter of time. Also people riot, people are pissed, and everyone wants more land. This is just a game that doesn't work for me and I used to love strategy games. But if I don't get to build anything and I have to deal on an economy that I have little control over. This game you have little control over everything and you have to deal with technology. You have to deal with advancements. You have to deal with keeping up with everyone else. Too much stuff that you run by just pressing a button and hoping in twenty years that you made the right choice. I think. I don't really know what I am doing but clicking and praying. I'll just tax them some more.
-Based off of history
-Feudal Europe
-Strategy with no control (Majesty)
-No control
-History doesn't make any sense. Why are we fighting?
-Everything you do doesn't seem to make any present day impact.
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